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RWAP Services
RWAP Services is the over-arching name for the business which has been run by Rich Mellor since he started learning to program a humble Sinclair ZX81 in 1982.
With a background in programming, problem solving and an eye for detail they have acquired a reputation for in depth reviews and identifying possible causes of conflict within computer programs - they have been troubleshooting software, hardware, programming tools and utilities since the early days of home computing in the 1980s.
RWAP Services first came to the notice of Sinclair QL enthusiasts in 1986, when the business was officially launched, writing reviews of software for both Sinclair QL World and CGH Services, and quickly moving into the realms of software testing, bug-fixing and updating third party titles.
With the advent of the internet, RWAP Services launched an online presence in 1998, and created a new brand RWAP Software to reflect their focus on software for the Sinclair QL, leading to the improvement of numerous existing Sinclair QL software titles including public domain programs, games and general utilities.
This was soon followed by the brand RWAP Adventures which reflected the number of adventure games which they found themselves improving, including numerous titles by CGH Services and Talent Computer Systems.
The RWAP Services brand is now focused on enhancements, modules and customisation of the Enuuk online PHP auction platform (and the previous version - phpAuction), allowing web site owners to enhance the customer experience of using this fast developing auction platform; and launching their own independent Enuuk support forums to share ideas, free modifications and generally discuss the development of the platform and any bugs found, filling a niche in the market which has not been addressed by Enuuk themselves.
They continue to support the Sinclair QL and a wide range of other 1980s home computers, providing a range of hardware and software, including key spare parts such as keyboard membranes and replacement chips under the brand of RWAP Software
The latest innovation to be brought to market by RWAP Services for the vintage computer market, is the Retro-Printer Module - a module which can be used to capture printer output from the Sinclair QL and output it to a modern USB or network printer (or even store it as a PDF file).
Visit RWAP Services site - Specialist Enuuk PHP Auction Developers