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RWAP Services

RWAP Services have been assisting computer users since 1982 when they Rich Mellor started learning to program a humble Sinclair ZX81 computer. With a background in programming, problem solving and an eye for detail they have acquired a reputation for in depth reviews and identifying possible causes of conflict within computer programs - they have been troubleshooting software, hardware, programming tools and utilities since the early days of home computing in the 1980s.

RWAP Services were early adopters of the internet, with their business roots starting in 1986, and the launch of an online presence in 1998. However, they have not forgotten their roots. They still support Sinclair and other retro computers providing repairs, replacement parts, second hand hardware, software and books as well as a lot of advice.

RWAP Services have many years experience of programming in PHP and Perl for web-based applications, including their own range of bots for searching the internet for specific information (similar to that used by search engines) and intelligent checking of links as well as their own intelligent guestbook and visitor counter code which can be used freely on your own website.

Since 2010, RWAP Services have focussed their efforts on enhancements, modules and customisation of the Enuuk online PHP auction platform (and the previous version - phpAuction).

RWAP Services now offer a wide range of custom modules to allow web site owners to enhance the customer experience of using this fast developing auction platform.

They also launched our own independent Enuuk support forums to share ideas, free modifications and generally discuss the development of the platform and any bugs found, filling a niche in the market which has not been addressed by www.enuuk.com/ themselves.

RWAP Services is run by Rich Mellor, who has been involved with computers since acquiring a Sinclair ZX81 in 1982 (the first mass home computer designed by the well-known British inventor, Sir Clive Sinclair). An adept programmer, with the ability to program in BASIC, machine code, C, HTML, Perl, MS-Access, SQL, and Ladder (PLC-5 and SLC-500), Rich Mellor has achieved some recognition in connection with the Sinclair QL, as a computer journalist, author and commercial programmer/tester. This ability has been put to good use to develop innovative software for the Sinclair QL and for the internet, including perl guestbooks and visitor counters, all based around modular coding techniques.

Since 1988, RWAP Services have been testing commercial software prior to release, often re-writing sections of code on behalf of the authors, in order to overcome bugs. Unlike many other software testers, RWAP Services' broad base in programming skills allows us to identify the possible causes of program errors and where incompatibilities may be software or hardware based. As an ex-solicitor, Rich Mellor's attention to detail is legendary and he is famed for producing in-depth, easy to understand, reports of programs which describe problems in detail and often contain suggested bug-fixes and improvements.

An example is when Rich Mellor joined Data Solutions as a technical author in 1998. Within a week, he was sent to assist with producing documentation for the prestigious Heathrow Terminal 3 Transfer Baggage Facility. Within two weeks, Rich had gained sufficient insight into the PLC-5 ladder language to enable him to assist with commissioning the control software and to prepare in-depth reference tables for the MMI (SCADA) programmer. Later, Rich was given the task of amending the software for Phase III of the project, carrying out all steps up to and including the Factory Acceptance Test, such that the software was installed and ready for commissioning after only one night on site.

Following his success on the Heathrow project, Rich was asked to look at some problematic SLC-500 code for controlling water treatment plants. It was explained that on some specific dates, the software failed to carry out all of its intended functions, but two software engineers had been unable to identify the problem in the software. Within one day of being allocated the project, Rich Mellor had identified the problem and its solution, providing a full report to the original software author which enabled him to implement the solution across several existing operational sites.

In the past few years, we have specialised in developing online auction website solutions, based on the increasingly popular Enuuk auction platform, to provide customised solutions to target niche markets within the online market. This has included websites specifically aimed at the motor trade, the arts and the retro computer market.

  • qlwiki/rwap_services.1504532350.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/11/05 11:18
  • (external edit)