The purpose of the CPORT package is to translate a SuperBASIC source file into a source file in the "C" programing language. This may be useful if you wish to
CPORT does not have any kind of 'magic wand' component. Programs that do not work in SuperBASIC will not suddenly begin to work because they have been translated to C. Programs that are structurally unsound in SuperBASIC will be equally or perhaps more unsound in C, which is a structurally more demanding language!
The output of CPORT is NOT an executable program. It is the source code for an executable program. This means that for the program to be run, a C compiler or interpreter must be available. The QL has a resident SuperBASIC interpreter, but no resident C interpreter. Consequently, additional programs. such as C68 are required in order to compile and execute the generated code.
CPORT was written by Chas Dillon and sold by Digital Precision Ltd.
Title: CPORT
Language: Turbo compiled SuperBASIC
Author: Chas Dillon
Publisher: Digital Precision Ltd
Year of Publication: 1992
Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs. (With expanded memory perhaps?)
Commercial Status: Unknown
Price in 1992: £Unknown
Reviewed: Unknown
Sources Available from: n/a
Latest Version available from: n/a