Rich Mellor has been active on the QL scene since he formed RWAP Software in 1986. Rich started writing reviews and testing software for CGH Services and Sinclair QL World, and was heavly involved in writing the SBASICSuperBASIC Reference Manual. He is also a well known personality at various QL shows, initially representing CGH Services at the shows and then later appearing as a trader in his own right.
As well as being the author of several original items of software for the Sinclair QL, including QWord, QRoute and QHelp; Rich was also involved in bug-fixing and rewriting several early games and utilities for the Sinclair QL, including D-Day, Nemesis and Flashback_se releasing enhanced versions of the programs.
With a reputation for an eye for detail and good customer service, of late Rich has helped bring several new projects to the market, including replacement keyboard membranes for the Sinclair QL, ZX80, ZX81 and ZX Spectrum, and even a ZX Spectrum hard disk interface - the DivIDE Plus; as well as having released a series of box-sets of Sinclair QL software in conjunction with the copyright holders.
Rich continues to support the Sinclair QL and has helped to preserve a large amount of original QL software, and worked with copyright holders to get the software re-released as freeware and made widely available through the Sinclair QL Homepage