This is a list of the wide ranging Business Software produced for the Sinclair QL home computer.
It is also worth checking out the collection of business software available from the Sinclair QL Homepage as many former commercial titles have been released as freeware by the copyright owners.
2488 - extra drivers for use with Text87 Plus4 - aimed at 24 pin printers and bubble jet printers
Abacus - The spreadsheet program written by Psion and bundled with the Sinclair QL
AGENDA - a diary program (MISSING IN ACTION)
Appointments Diary (MISSING IN ACTION)
Arable Farmer Software (MISSING IN ACTION)
Archive - The programmable Database program written by Psion and bundled with the Sinclair QL
Cash Flow Forecast Chart (MISSING IN ACTION)
DatAppoint by PDQL
Easel - The business graphics program written by Psion and bundled with the Sinclair QL
Executive Accounts Program - business accounts program (MISSING IN ACTION)
Executive CustomerSupplier File - program for keeping track of your suppliers and customers (MISSING IN ACTION)
Executive InventoryInvoicing Package - business invoicing program (MISSING IN ACTION)
Fountext88 - graphics drivers for use with Text87 Plus4
Founted89 - font editor for the specialist Fountext88 fonts
Front Page - early (and much loved) Desk Top Publishing program
General Ledger - General ledger program from SD Microsystems
IMPACCT - Accounts software by Xpert Software
Investment Manager (MISSING IN ACTION)
Investment Monitor - program to keep track of your shares, unit trusts and investment bonds
Invostat - invoice/statement and credit note generator (MISSING IN ACTION)
LBO Life Business Organiser - appointment and diary (MISSING IN ACTION)
MAccounts - Fully integrated sales, purchase, nominal ledgers and stock control (MISSING IN ACTION)
MSAgenda - Diary program (MISSING IN ACTION)
Office Manager - Front end system for the CST Thor and Thor XVI (MISSING IN ACTION)
Pacioli - Personal Accounting Package (MISSING IN ACTION)
Planner - Sophisticated diary program (MISSING IN ACTION)
Publishers Pack - helped to turn Text87 Plus4 and LineDesign into a desktop publishing package
Purchase Ledger (MISSING IN ACTION)
QL Accountant - another early accounts package
QL Appointment - A useful diary program (MISSING IN ACTION)
QL BOP Business Owners Package - a suite of 9 Financial programs (MISSING IN ACTION)
QL Card Filer - simple contact card filing system
QL Cash Trader - accounts package for cash basis book keeping
QL Decision Maker - Make decisions based on a tree structure and critical analysis paths
QL Entrepreneur - Simulate setting up business ventures and test expected balance sheets and profit and loss statements against sensitivity charts.
QL Invoicer - program to manage customer invoices and statements
QL Integrated Accounts - full double entry book system by Sagesoft
QL Mail List - A program to maintain a mailing list
QL Payroll - manage the payroll of up to 99 employees on the Sinclair QL
QL Project Planner - Plan and cost projects
QL Small Traders Pack - suite of programs designed to assist management of any small business
QL Stock Accounting - links the QL Invoicer with the stock file as well as the sales ledger
QTime - Time logging system for solicitors (MISSING IN ACTION)
Quill - The wordprocessor program written by Psion and bundled with the Sinclair QL
Sales Ledger - Sales ledger and invoice processing program (MISSING IN ACTION)
Statistical Analysis System - Program to analyse statistical data (MISSING IN ACTION)
Stock Control - A program to keep a record of stock
Tally - Accounting package from Quest Automation Ltd (MISSING IN ACTION)
Text87 - Word processor package - true WYSIWYG
Text87 Plus4 - Word processor package - upgraded version of Text87
Trading Accounts - Another version of QL Cash Trader (MISSING IN ACTION)
Transact - Book-keeping system
Typeset93 ESCP2 - dedicated Text87 Plus4 driver for Epson ESC/P2 printers
Typeset90 GQ5000 - dedicated Text87 Plus4 driver for Epson GQ5000 and GQ3500 printers
Xchange - Integrated package of Quill, Archive, Abacus and Easel