====== The Simulator ====== {{packaging:the_simulator_packaging.jpg?direct|Sinclair QL The Simulator by Ekotek Datasystems}}\\ The Simulator is a flight simulator by [[qlwiki:Ekotek Datasystems]]. The features include\\ * Simulation of an imaginary light aircraft * Realistic Cockpit instruments * Real-time graphics representing the outside world in 3D * View of the outside world in four directions in black & white or in full colour (52 colours in all) * Three levels of difficulty * Report facility giving information on flight time, total distance flown, fuel consumption and more * Different worlds can be loaded from microdrive cartridge or floppy disk. Each world has up to five airports and contains many objects to aid orientation during the flight. The GUI, sound, aeroplane physical model and user interaction were written in SuperBASIC and compiled with [[qlwiki:QLiberator]]. All 3d calculations are done in machine code. The worlds (of which there were several), with their coordinates and colours, are coded in text files. Also you were only allowed to make 5 copies, although this can be got around by using [[qlwiki:Digital Precision]]'s clone program or you can simply attach the disk image now available to [[qlwiki:QemuLator]]. //https://youtu.be/IAJChMJv-NY|Watch this video on You Tube// ---- {{screenshots:the_simulator_screenshot.gif?direct&240x120 |Screenshot of Sinclair QL The Simulator by Ekotek Datasystems}}\\ Title: **The Simulator**\\ Language: 68000 Machine Code and Q-Liberator Compiled SuperBASIC\\ Author: Robert Stekelenburg \\ Publisher: [[qlwiki:Ekotek Datasystems]]\\ Year of Publication: 1988\\ Price as at May 1988: Unknown\\ Reviews: Unknown\\ Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and emulators.\\ Commercial Status: Freeware\\ Sources Available from: n/a\\ Latest Version available from: [[http://www.dilwyn.qlforum.co.uk/games/index.html|Sinclair QL Homepage]]