====== Screen Dazzler ====== Screen Dazzler acts as a screen saver for when the Sinclair QL is left unattended. If a key has not been pressed for a set amount of time, Screen Dazzler grabs the current QL screen display and then either manipulates the current image (for example turning it into a sliding block puzzle) or can generate a new graphical display. These screen savers were invented to prevent 'burn in' on old monitors (where you could see the old display even when the monitor was turned off). ---- Title: **Screen Dazzler**\\ Author: [[Bruce Nicholls]]\\ Publisher: [[qlwiki:Dilwyn Jones Computing]]\\ Year of Publication: 1992\\ Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs with at least 256K RAM\\ Commercial Status: Freeware\\ Price as at 1992: £unknown\\ Reviews: Unknown\\ Sources Available from: Unknown\\ Latest Version available from: [[http://www.dilwyn.qlforum.co.uk/screensa/index.html|Sinclair Ql Homepage]]