====== QPAC2 ====== QPAC2 is a set of utilities written by [[qlwiki:Qjump]] which provide various small programs which run under the [[qlwiki:QL Front Ends|QJUMP pointer environment]] and are controlled using either the keyboard or a mouse. Its various utilities replace those which appeared in the earlier [[qlwiki:QRAM]]. QPAC2 includes the Pointer Environment and adds the following utilities which are all accessed from the QPAC2 button frame (normally a bar across the top of the screen with various buttons in it to start programs): * Sysdef - This allows you to set printer and mouse settings, plus alter the default data and program default directories, as well the destination device.\\ * Things Menu - (This can be a little hard to understand as a 'Thing' is a bit of code in memory which can be called using a standard calling block - it can be a device driver, a program, or a pop-up menu) - This menu allows you examine what is using each thing and the resources that thing is using (such as channels); you can also execute a thing or Wake it.\\ * Jobs Menu - This allows you to examine jobs (channels and things used by the Job, memory usage), pick a job, remove a job and alter the job's priority\\ * Hotkeys Menu - This allows you to view all defined hotkeys and execute the hotkey directly.\\ * Channels Menu - This allows you to view all channels open on the sytem and find out what is using them - you can also close the channels directly or remove any Job which owns the channel\\ * Files Menu - This is perhaps the most powerful menu, allowing you to get directories of devices (and sub-directories), copy, move, rename or delete files, view or print files, or execute them. When executing files, you can specify whether they are to be unlocked (can overwrite anything else on screen), need a guardian window (to ensure that all of the screen used by the program is cleared and protected when switching between jobs), or if it is a Psion program (ie. needs to be prevented from grabbing all of the QL's available memory). File lists can be sorted using a number of options, and you can view file statistics for each file.\\ QPAC2 also installs a RAM disk and printer spooler, plus the ability to make an image of a microdrive cartridge (by using FORMAT ram1_mdv1 for example). After Tony Tebby left the QL scene it was further developed and updated for current SMSQ/E systems by [[qlwiki:Marcel Kilgus]]. QPAC2 has been released as freeware in early 2014. ---- Title: **QPAC2**\\ Language: 68000 Machine Code\\ Author: [[qlwiki:Tony Tebby]]\\ Publisher: [[qlwiki:QJUMP]]\\ Year of Publication: 1988\\ Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and Compatibles\\ Commercial Status: Freeware\\ Price as at May 1987: Unknown\\ Reviews: Unknown\\ Sources Available from: Unknown\\ Latest Version available from: [[http://www.kilgus.net/smsqe/qpac2.html|Marcel Kilgus website]]\\