====== ICICLE ====== {{packaging:icicle_package.jpg?direct|Sinclair QL Icicle by Eidersoft}}\\ The ICICLE program enables you to set up a series of icons and menu bars for use within the [[qlwiki:ICE]] system environment, and assign commands to launch programs (for example). You can also add strings to any of the 54 icons available to the [[qlwiki:ICE]] system - when a chosen icon is activated the text is then written out. The package also includes a sophisticated printer spooler/manager which is designed to multi-task with other programs including the Psion packages. ---- {{screenshots:icicle_screenshot.gif?direct&240x120 |Screenshot of Sinclair QL Icicle by Eidersoft}}\\ Title: **ICICLE**\\ Language: SuperBASIC\\ Author: Barry Ashfield ([[qlwiki:Psientific Software]])\\ Publisher: [[qlwiki:Eidersoft]]\\ Year of Publication: 1986\\ Price May 1986: Unknown\\ Reviews: Unknown\\ Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and q-emulator with [[qlwiki:ICE]] \\ Commercial Status: Commercial Sources Available from: n/a\\ Latest Version available from: [[http://www.rwapsoftware.co.uk/updates.html|RWAP Software website]]