====== Fantasia Adventure ====== This is a large text adventure, originally published by [[qlwiki:SB Software]] but since released into the public domain. In the game, you are alone and unarmed on a hostile alien planet, sent to collect treasures plundered from your own planet and also to assassinate the emperor Hazaran. Advertised features included: *200+ locations *Detailed descriptions *Save/restore game facility *Real-time problems *A 'help feature' *Comprehensive instructions ---- Title: **Fantasia Adventure**\\ Language: SuperBASIC, later compiled with [[qlwiki:QLiberator]]\\ Author: Unknown\\ Publisher: [[qlwiki:SB Software]]\\ Year of Publication: 1985\\ Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and Q-emuLator\\ Commercial Status: Public Domain\\ Price as at May 1985: £8.50\\ Reviews: QL User (August 1985), QL User (December 1985)\\ Sources Available from: n/a\\ Latest Version available from: [[http://www.rwapsoftware.co.uk/pdsoftware.html|RWAP Software website]]