====== Dilwyn Jones ====== Dilwyn Jones is Welsh and famed for his appearance on the Tweenies (allegedly, for all of about 5 seconds). He is a former broadcasting technician and retail administrator, now retired. Dilwyn has been a well respected part of the Sinclair fraternity for many years and although he wrote [[http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekpub.cgi?regexp=^Dilwyn+Jones$&loadpics=1|programs for the Sinclair ZX81 and ZX Spectrum]], he is best known for his support for the Sinclair QL, having written several programs for the QL as well as trading for many years under the name of [[qlwiki:Dilwyn Jones Computing]], and then helping edit the [[http://www.dilwyn.qlforum.co.uk/gen/qltoday/qltoday.html|QL Today magazine]]. QL Programs written by Dilwyn include: *[[qlwiki:Page Designer 2]] *[[qlwiki:Programs Pack 1]] - MISSING IN ACTION *[[qlwiki:Launchpad]] *[[qlwiki:Screen Compression Utility]] Dilwyn also supports a couple of public domain sites listed on the [[qlwiki:links]] page and maintains the current [[http://www.dilwyn.qlforum.co.uk/|Sinclair QL Homepage]].