Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Arcade Games ====== The following Arcade games were available for the Sinclair QL and can often be found second hand. Some are still available to purchase new from [[|RWAP Software website]] or other copyright holders. ---- [[qlwiki:3 Games]] - 3 Games sold by [[qlwiki:QCODE]] (MISSING IN ACTION) \\ [[qlwiki:3D Slime]] - 3D Arcade game where you collect pyramids, avoiding the rolling balls\\ [[qlwiki:3D Maze]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ ---- A\\ [[qlwiki:Advance Attack]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Arcanoid]]\\ [[qlwiki:Alien Hijack]] - 3D Graphical Adventure by Chisoft.\\ [[qlwiki:Area Radar Controller]] - Simulates being in control of up to 69 aircraft in and around 2 airports\\ [[qlwiki:Assault Battery]] - Excellent overhead scrolling shoot 'em up\\ ---- B\\ [[qlwiki:Bandersnatch]] - A classic megagame by Imagine Name of the Game which was never released (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Baron Rouge]] - A rare shoot 'em up game where you fly a small monoplane shooting enemy planes and air ships\\ [[qlwiki:Blast Buggy]] - Drive a moon buggy shooting all the aliens trying to stop your mission\\ [[qlwiki:BJ in 3D Land]] - platform game, follow up to BJ Returns, but this time in a 3D world\\ [[qlwiki:BJ Returns]] - platform game, follow up to QL Caverns\\ [[qlwiki:Blocklands Warrior]]\\ [[qlwiki:Bomber]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Bombshell]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Booty]] - platform game set on board a pirate ship (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Breakout]]\\ ---- C\\ [[qlwiki:Candyfloss]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Chieftain Combat]] - tank fighting game (MISSING IN ACTION) \\ [[qlwiki:Citadel]] - overhead flying game - similar to [[qlwiki:Metropolis]]\\ [[qlwiki:Clay Pigeon Shoot]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Copter Rescue]] - helicopter mission game (MISSING IN ACTION) \\ [[qlwiki:Crazy Painter]] - arcade game where you have to paint the QL screen\\ [[qlwiki:Crystal Collector]] - fairly simple arcade game (MISSING IN ACTION) \\ [[qlwiki:Cuthbert in Space]] - arcade platform based game\\ ---- D\\ [[qlwiki:Deathstrike]] - a high quality Scramble clone\\ [[qlwiki:Doom Room Exod VIII]] - Unknown game (MISSING IN ACTION) \\ [[qlwiki:Diamonds]]\\ [[qlwiki:Droidzone]] - Fast and furious shoot 'em up arcade game \\ [[qlwiki:Dungeon]] - Unknown game (MISSING IN ACTION) \\ [[qlwiki:DDay]] - wargame based on the Normandy landings during World War II\\ ---- E\\ [[qlwiki:Eagle]] - A defender type clone - fast and furious\\ [[qlwiki:ElDorado]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Expert]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:EVA]] - Fast and furious arcade platform game\\ ---- F\\ [[qlwiki:Farmer]] - Platform game where you have to collect the crops\\ [[qlwiki:Firebirds]] - Good quality shoot 'em up game\\ [[qlwiki:Final Conflict]] - A strategy game where you have to build up your armies and try to take over the world\\ [[qlwiki:Fire Tower]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Fleet Tactical Command]]\\ [[qlwiki:Flight Simulator]] - A realistic flight simulator based in a light training aircraft.\\ [[qlwiki:Flightdeck]] - Good quality Jet airliner flight simulator\\ [[qlwiki:Food Freak]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Frogger]] - Another classic arcade game brought to the QL (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Full House]]\\ ---- G\\ [[qlwiki:Galactic Invaders]] - Arcade game (Bundled with Star Guard)\\ [[qlwiki:Galactic Invaders and Star Guard]] (Double Game pack)\\ [[qlwiki:Games Compendium]] - Collection of 4 games (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Glidepath]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Gobble Gobble]] - Arcade pacman clone\\ [[qlwiki:Grey Wolf]] - A game where you are placed in charge of a submarine\\ [[qlwiki:GrandMaster Warship]] - military strategy game (MISSING IN ACTION) \\ [[qlwiki:Grin Wars]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Gun]]\\ [[qlwiki:Gwendoline]] - A rare platform game - rescue Gwendoline from the dungeon\\ ---- H\\ [[qlwiki:Hoverzone]] - A defender type clone - fast and furious with good graphics\\ [[qlwiki:Hungry Harry]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Hungry Harry in the Haunted House]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Hunt]]\\ [[qlwiki:Hyperdrive]] - Formula 1 Car Racing Game\\ ---- J\\ [[qlwiki:Jungle Eddi]] - Game in which you are trying to get out of the Jungle by climbing and jumping through the trees\\ ---- K\\ [[qlwiki:Karate]] - Beat em up - you need to beat your opponents in Karate\\ [[qlwiki:Kingdom]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Knight Flight]] - Platform game in which you play a jousting Knight on the back of a bird!\\ ---- L\\ [[qlwiki:Lands of Havoc]] - A graphic adventure / arcade game \\ ---- M\\ [[qlwiki:MCosmic]] - a Graphic Adventure game\\ [[qlwiki:MCrunch]] - a game based on Pacman \\ [[qlwiki:MTreasure]] - a platform game, very similar to QL Cavern\\ [[qlwiki:Master Blaster]] - a fast and furious game based on Space Invaders\\ [[qlwiki:Master Warship]] - military strategy game \\ [[qlwiki:Match Point]] - a 3D Tennis Championship Game\\ [[qlwiki:Mazeman]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Metropolis]] - an overhead flying game - similar to [[qlwiki:Citadel]]\\ [[qlwiki:Mister Smith]] - Arcade game where you make bubbles to kill your enemies (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ ---- N\\ [[qlwiki:Nebula II]] - A space trading game from Pyramide\\ [[qlwiki:Night Nurse]] - an arcade adventure set in St Spooks Hospital\\ [[qlwiki:Nim]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ ---- O\\ [[qlwiki:Orbit]] - An orbital fighting game with realistic orbital physics\\ ---- P\\ [[qlwiki:Pacman]] - Implementation of the classic arcade game (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Pengi]] - A game set in the antarctic, where you play a penguin!\\ [[qlwiki:Pirate]]\\ [[qlwiki:Pudge]] - A colourful variation on the boulderdash theme\\ [[qlwiki:Puzzle Mania]] - A platform game by Chisoft\\ ---- Q\\ [[qlwiki:QFLIGHT MK1]]\\ [[qlwiki:QBert]]\\ [[qlwiki:QL Bounder]] - platform game similar to the popular Manic Miner on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum\\ [[qlwiki:QL Cavern]] - the first Platform game for the Sinclair QL featuring the character BJ\\ [[qlwiki:QL Compendium]] - set of games by Equate\\ [[qlwiki:QL Defusion]] - unusual arcade game\\ [[qlwiki:QL Fantasy]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:QL Hopper]] - classic arcade game based on frogger\\ [[qlwiki:QL Jabber]] - unusual space shoot 'em up\\ [[qlwiki:QL Meteor Storm]] - classic arcade game where you have to shoot up the meteors\\ [[qlwiki:QL Quboids]] - platform game based on Lode Runner Arcade game\\ [[qlwiki:QL Snake]] - advanced version of the classic arcade game (MISSING IN ACTION) \\ [[qlwiki:QL Wanderer]] - complex Anaglyph 3D space trading game \\ [[qlwiki:QLacman ]] - classic game based on pacman\\ [[qlwiki:QLLIFE]] - classic game of life\\ [[qlwiki:QPEDE]] - a variation on the centipede arcade game\\ [[qlwiki:Quazimodo]] - platform game - save Esmerelda from the tower\\ ---- S\\ [[qlwiki:Sam the Little Spaceman]] - a colourful platform game with excellent graphics (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:ScubaDiver]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Sector X]] - Arcade shoot-em up\\ [[qlwiki:Shoot Em Up]] - Arcade game based on Space Invaders (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Snooker]] - Implementation of the classic game \\ [[qlwiki:Snooker Manager]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Space Paranoids]] - Arcade alien shoot-em up game (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Spectre Interceptor]] - Ghost capture game (MISSING IN ACTION) \\ [[qlwiki:Speedfreaks]] - Arcade table top car racing game\\ [[qlwiki:Spook]] - Faithful implementation of Pacman\\ [[qlwiki:Squadrons]] - War game based on fighter command during World War II\\ [[qlwiki:Squidgy Round The World]] - Maze game (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ [[qlwiki:Starburst]] - Cavern Explorer Game\\ [[qlwiki:Star Guard]] - Arcade game (Bundled with Galactic Invaders)\\ [[qlwiki:Galactic Invaders and Star Guard|Star Guard and Galactic Invaders]] (Double Game pack)\\ [[qlwiki:Stone Raider]] - A good quality Boulderdash clone\\ [[qlwiki:Superbomber]] - A scramble clone - similar to Deathstrike\\ [[qlwiki:Super Arcadia]] - two arcade games, BMX Burner and Grid Racer\\ [[qlwiki:SuperGames Pack]]\\ ---- T\\ [[qlwiki:Tankbusters]] - 3D wire drawing of a tank shoot 'em up game\\ [[qlwiki:The King]] - implementation of the classic game Kong \\ [[qlwiki:The Lost Pharaoh]] - explore the Pharaoh's tomb in search of treasure\\ [[qlwiki:The Simulator]] - another flight simulation program\\ [[qlwiki:Type22]] - lead a Type 22 Frigate on a search and destroy mission\\ ---- V\\ [[qlwiki:Vroom]] - Formula 1 Car Racing Game\\ ---- W\\ [[qlwiki:War in the East]] - wargame based on the Eastern Front conflict during World War II\\ [[qlwiki:Warlock Piracy]] - military strategy game (MISSING IN ACTION) \\ ---- Z\\ [[qlwiki:Zapper]] a shoot 'em up similar to space invaders\\ [[qlwiki:Zfred]] implementation of the arcade game Q*Bert\\ [[qlwiki:Zombies]] (MISSING IN ACTION)\\ ---- qlwiki/arcade_games.txt Last modified: 2024/04/22 07:46by rwap