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qlwiki:jochen_merz [2017/09/04 09:53] – external edit [2024/07/30 14:29] (current) rwap
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  ====== Jochen Merz ======  ====== Jochen Merz ======
-Jochen Merz is one of the newest traders to have emerged dealing with the Sinclair QL, dealing mainly in pointer environment programs.+Jochen Merz, based in Duisburg, Germany, was involved quite prolifically with the Sinclair QL scene (especially in Germany) and mainly with software that used the pointer environment from [[qlwiki:QJump]]. He was most active in the late 1980s, throughout the 1990s and beyond. He currently offers general IT (PC and Android) support.
-He wrote some software which has been published commercially, including the following titles:\\ +He wrote and/or published some software commercially, including the following titles:\\  
 +[[qlwiki:Arcanoid 2]]\\  
 +[[qlwiki:Black Knight]]\\
 [[qlwiki:Brain Smasher]]\\  [[qlwiki:Brain Smasher]]\\ 
 +[[qlwiki:Doppel Ion]]\\ 
 [[qlwiki:Fight in the Dark]]\\  [[qlwiki:Fight in the Dark]]\\ 
 [[qlwiki:Firebirds]]\\  [[qlwiki:Firebirds]]\\ 
 +[[qlwiki:Full House]]\\
 +[[qlwiki:HOT Install]]\\
 +[[qlwiki:Hyper Help for Basic]]\\ 
 +[[qlwiki:Ion Gold]]\\ 
 [[qlwiki:The Lonely Joker]]\\  [[qlwiki:The Lonely Joker]]\\ 
-[[qlwiki:Pengi]]\\  +[[qlwiki:The Oracle]]\\  
-[[qlwiki:QShang]]\\ +[[qlwiki:Pengi]]\\ 
 +[[qlwiki:The Wall]]\\ 
-Jochen is also responsible for publishing the [[qlwiki:QL Today]] magazine and bringing several QL emulators for the Atari ST to the market, including:\\ +Jochen was also responsible for publishing the [[qlwiki:QL Today]] magazine and bringing several QL emulators for the Atari ST to the market, including:\\ 
 [[qlwiki:QVME]]\\  [[qlwiki:QVME]]\\ 
 [[qlwiki:STQL Emulator]]\\  [[qlwiki:STQL Emulator]]\\ 
  • qlwiki/jochen_merz.1504518791.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/11/05 11:17
  • (external edit)