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qlwiki:hardware [2018/05/13 17:36] normandunbarqlwiki:hardware [2023/08/25 12:22] (current) – external edit
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 [[qlwiki:SPEM Digitiser]] - Connected to the QL's ROM port to provide a means of digitising video onto the QL.\\  [[qlwiki:SPEM Digitiser]] - Connected to the QL's ROM port to provide a means of digitising video onto the QL.\\ 
 [[qlwiki:SPEM IntDisk]] - A floppy disk interface designed by SPEM of Italy.\\  [[qlwiki:SPEM IntDisk]] - A floppy disk interface designed by SPEM of Italy.\\ 
 +[[qlwiki:StarMouse]] - A custom mouse bundled (and for sole use with) a drawing package, marketed by Investronica of Spain.\\ 
 [[qlwiki:STQL Emulator]] - A hardware emulator to enable Atari ST computers to run QL software.\\  [[qlwiki:STQL Emulator]] - A hardware emulator to enable Atari ST computers to run QL software.\\ 
 [[qlwiki:Super Gold Card]] - A combined interface, the Super Gold Card provided up to 4MB of memory for use on the QL, as well as a floppy disk interface (capable of connecting to 4 x 720K DSDD, 1.44MB HD and 3.2MB ED disk drives), a centronics interface and a faster processor (Motorola 68020).\\  [[qlwiki:Super Gold Card]] - A combined interface, the Super Gold Card provided up to 4MB of memory for use on the QL, as well as a floppy disk interface (capable of connecting to 4 x 720K DSDD, 1.44MB HD and 3.2MB ED disk drives), a centronics interface and a faster processor (Motorola 68020).\\ 
  • qlwiki/hardware.1526232965.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/11/05 11:16
  • (external edit)