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qlwiki:dark_side_of_the_moon [2017/09/04 09:53] – external edit [2023/08/25 12:23] (current) – external edit
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  ====== Dark Side of the Moon ======  ====== Dark Side of the Moon ======
-{{qlwiki:darkside of the moon_package.jpg?direct|Packaging for Sinclair QL Dark Side of the Moon Adventure}} +{{packaging:darkside_of_the_moon_package.jpg?direct|Packaging for Sinclair QL Dark Side of the Moon Adventure}} 
-{{qlwiki:darkside of the moon_package_back.jpg?direct|Reverse of Packaging for Sinclair QL Dark Side of the Moon Adventure}}\\ +{{packaging:darkside_of_the_moon_package_back.jpg?direct|Reverse of Packaging for Sinclair QL Dark Side of the Moon Adventure}}\\ 
 This is a text adventure where your mission is to recapture a moonbase and mineral mine -  you arrive in your spacecraft, and need to ensure that you are prepared for the trek across the moon's surface, before you reach the moonbase and deal with the problems there. This is a text adventure where your mission is to recapture a moonbase and mineral mine -  you arrive in your spacecraft, and need to ensure that you are prepared for the trek across the moon's surface, before you reach the moonbase and deal with the problems there.
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  ----  ----
-{{qlwiki:darkside_screenshot.gif?direct&240x120  |Screenshot of Sinclair QL Dark Side of the Moon Adventure}}\\ +{{screenshots:darkside_screenshot.gif?direct&240x120  |Screenshot of Sinclair QL Dark Side of the Moon Adventure}}\\ 
 Title: **Dark Side of the Moon**\\  Title: **Dark Side of the Moon**\\ 
 Language: SuperBASIC\\  Language: SuperBASIC\\ 
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 Year of Publication: 1986\\  Year of Publication: 1986\\ 
 Price as at December 1986: Unknown\\  Price as at December 1986: Unknown\\ 
-Reviews: [[http://www.dilwyn.me.uk/mags/qlaf/qlaf2.pdf|QL Adventurers Forum 2]]\\ +Reviews: [[http://www.dilwyn.qlforum.co.uk/mags/qlaf/qlaf2.pdf|QL Adventurers Forum 2]]\\ 
 Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and emulators\\  Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and emulators\\ 
 Commercial Status: Commercial\\  Commercial Status: Commercial\\ 
  • qlwiki/dark_side_of_the_moon.1504518780.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/11/05 11:16
  • (external edit)