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qlwiki:cgh_services [2017/09/06 06:42] rwapqlwiki:cgh_services [2023/08/25 12:23] (current) – external edit
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-CGH Services also published two magazines: [[http://www.northwestlinux.net/~qlforum/|QL Adventurer's Forum]] and QL Technical Review.+CGH Services also published two magazines: [[http://www.dilwyn.qlforum.co.uk/mags/index.html|QL Adventurer's Forum]] and QL Technical Review
 +QL Adventurer's Forum was superceded by QL Leisure Review. 
 +CGH Services also ran a Public Domain Library for the QL.
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-  *[[qlwiki:3D Terrain]] (generate 3D terrain maps) +  *[[qlwiki:3D Terrain]] (generate 3D terrain maps by Ian Thompson and Rich Mellor,
-  *[[qlwiki:Anelpum Quat]] (text adventure) +  *[[qlwiki:Anelpum Quat]] (text adventure by Nick Ward
-  *[[qlwiki:Assault  Battery]] (overhead shoot'em up arcade game)+  *[[qlwiki:Assault  Battery]] (overhead shoot'em up arcade game by Damon Chaplin.)
   *[[qlwiki:Astro]] (Astrology program by Nick Ward - missing in Action)   *[[qlwiki:Astro]] (Astrology program by Nick Ward - missing in Action)
-  *[[qlwiki:Blag2]] (text adventure where you are a policeman solving a crime) +  *[[qlwiki:Blag2]] (text adventure where you are a policeman solving a crime by Tony Woolcock
-  *[[qlwiki:DDay MKII]] (wargame based in World War II) +  *[[qlwiki:DDay MKII]] (wargame based in World War II originally by the Dagenham Design Cell, much enhanced by Rich Mellor 
-  *[[qlwiki:Double Block]] (a tetris clone) +  *[[qlwiki:Double Block]] (a tetris clone by Francois Lanciault
-  *[[qlwiki:Dreamlands]] (a text adventure+  *[[qlwiki:Dreamlands]] (a text adventure by Jean-Yves Rouffiac.)
-  *[[qlwiki:Final Conflict]] (wargame)+
   *[[qlwiki:Five Games Pack 1]] (by Wreford Davies - missing in action)   *[[qlwiki:Five Games Pack 1]] (by Wreford Davies - missing in action)
-  *[[qlwiki:Fractals from Newtons Polynomial Method]] (by John Topham - missing in action) +  *[[qlwiki:Fractals using Newtons Polynomial Method]] (by John Topham - missing in action) 
-  *[[qlwiki:From the Tower of Valagon]] (a text adventure) +  *[[qlwiki:From the Tower of Valagon]] (a text adventure by Alan Pemberton.) 
-  *[[qlwiki:Grey Wolf]] (submarine game) +  *[[qlwiki:Gee-Gee System” ((horse racing predictor by Phil Jones and Andy Cserbakoi. Originally published by Impact Entertainments.
-  *[[qlwiki:Here We Go]] (text adventure)+  *[[qlwiki:Grey Wolf]] (submarine game by Oliver Neef.
 +  *[[qlwiki:Here We Go]] (text adventure) (by Phil Jones and Andy Cserbakoi. Originally published by Impact Entertainments.)
   *[[qlwiki:Italian Language Revision Pack]] (by Mike Edwards - missing in action)   *[[qlwiki:Italian Language Revision Pack]] (by Mike Edwards - missing in action)
-  *[[qlwiki:MacSporrans Lament]] (text adventure+  *[[qlwiki:MacSporrans Lament]] (text adventure by Dave, Ann and Katy Watson
-  *[[qlwiki:Mines of BabNogl]] (text adventure+  *[[qlwiki:Open Golf]] (Golf game with 3D image of shots)(by Oliver Neef)
-  *[[qlwiki:Open Golf]] (Golf game with 3D image of shots)+
   *[[qlwiki:Orbiting Stars]] (Astronomical Program by John Topham - missing in action)   *[[qlwiki:Orbiting Stars]] (Astronomical Program by John Topham - missing in action)
   *[[qlwiki:Personal Finance Manager]] (by Jason Vicinanza - missing in action)   *[[qlwiki:Personal Finance Manager]] (by Jason Vicinanza - missing in action)
   *[[qlwiki:Polytext]] (add graphics to text documents by Nick Ward - missing in action)   *[[qlwiki:Polytext]] (add graphics to text documents by Nick Ward - missing in action)
-  *[[qlwiki:Pudge]] (a variation on the boulderdash format+  *[[qlwiki:Pudge]] (a variation on the boulderdash format by Damon Chaplin.)
-  *[[qlwiki:QL Playwright]] (a program to help writing scripts)+
   *[[qlwiki:Quick Mandelbrot]] (by Kenneth Murray - missing in action)   *[[qlwiki:Quick Mandelbrot]] (by Kenneth Murray - missing in action)
-  *[[qlwiki:Quiz Master]] (pub quiz game) +  *[[qlwiki:Quick Mandelbrot]] II and [[qlwiki:Quick Mandelbrot III]] (improvements on [[qlwiki:Quick Mandelbrot]] by Kenneth Murray and Rich Mellor) 
-  *[[qlwiki:Return to Eden]] (text and graphics adventure) +  *[[qlwiki:Quiz Master]] (pub quiz game by Phil Jones and Andy Cserbakoi.) 
-  *[[qlwiki:Sector X]] (arcade game) +  *[[qlwiki:Quiz Master II (disk version of Quiz Master enhanced by Rich Mellor, 
-  *[[qlwiki:Sheriff of Grisly Gulch]] (a text adventure) +  *[[qlwiki:Return to Eden]] (text and graphics adventure by Oliver Neef) 
-  *[[qlwiki:Speedfreaks]] (a table top car racing game) +  *[[Rock-Fall]] (boulderdash clone by Andrew Toone) 
-  *[[qlwiki:Squidgy Round The World]] (arcade game) +  *[[qlwiki:Scriptwriter]] (prepare TV and Film scripts on your QL)(Andy Pritchard’s QL Playwright program updated and much revised.
-  *[[qlwiki:Starplod]] (icon controlled graphics adventure) +  *[[qlwiki:Sector X]] (arcade game by Horst Spierling - missing in action
-  *[[qlwiki:SToQL]] (convert ST screens to the QL+  *[[qlwiki:Sheriff of Grisly Gulch]] (a text adventure by Dave, Ann and Katy Watson)  
-  *[[qlwiki:The Gee Gee System]] (horse racing predictor+  *[[qlwiki:Speedfreaks]] (a table top car racing game by Damon Chaplin.
-  *[[qlwiki:The QL Epic Adventure]] (text and graphics adventure) +  *[[qlwiki:Squidgy Round The World]] (arcade game by Michael Crowe.
-  *[[qlwiki:The Voyage of the Beano]] (text and graphics adventure) +  *[[qlwiki:Starplod]] (icon controlled graphics adventure by Alan Pemberton,
-  *[[qlwiki:Uncle Loonies Legacy]] (text adventure) +  *[[qlwiki:SToQL]] (convert ST screens to the QL by Alan Pemberton and Rich Mellor.
-  *[[qlwiki:Wreck Dive]] (an early graphics adventure)+  *[[qlwiki:The QL Epic Adventure]] (text and graphics adventure by Andy Pritchard
 +  *[[qlwiki:The Voyage of the Beano]] (text and graphics adventure by Alan Pemberton with graphics by Francis O’Brien and Alan Pemberton.
 +  *[[qlwiki:Uncle Loonies Legacy]] (text adventure Dave, Ann and Katy Watson - missing in action
 +  *[[qlwiki:Wreck Dive]] (an early graphics adventure by Nick Ward)
  • qlwiki/cgh_services.1504680136.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/11/05 11:15
  • (external edit)