M/C Toolkit
M/C Toolkit was a product advertised by R. Dwight of Dorking, Surrey.
Advertised features included:
- 26 New Procedures
- 17 New Functions
- Ultra fast sort - eg. 1,000 floating point numbers in 1.5 seconds
- Time programs
- Set alarms
- Move memory
- Get pixel colour
- Patch files
- Handle memory
- Print ASCII, HEX, BINARY etc
Originally released in July 1985, the October 1985 advert stated :
- Now includes 'tag' SORT
More information is welcome.
Title: M/C Toolkit
Language: 68000 Machine Code
Author: R. Dwight
Publisher: R. Dwight
Year of Publication: 1985
Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and Compatibles
Commercial Status: Commercial
Price as at July 1985: £14.95
Reviews: Unknown
Sources Available from: n/a
Latest Version available from: Unknown