
SBASIC/SuperBASIC Reference Manual

 was devised in the 1990s by Franz Herrmann  by Franz Herrmann, Peter Jager and Rich Mellor
The SBASIC/SuperBASIC Reference Manual was devised in the 1990s by Franz Herrmann and Peter Jager, as an update to the Keywords section of the standard Sinclair QL Manual. The manual takes into account enhancements to SuperBASIC since 1984, with the standard toolkits such as Toolkit II and Turbo Toolkit included, plus many public domain toolkit, the Pointer Environment and the colour drivers also included.

The original draft of the Reference Manual was taken by Rich Mellor of RWAP Software and building on from the original concept, sections were also added to replace and enhance the original concepts section of the Sinclair QL Manual, and each keyword has example programs, details of bugs which have been identified over the years and how to overcome those bugs.

The SBASIC/SuperBASIC Reference Manual consists of over 1000 pages of information vital to the SuperBASIC author, and continues to be updated to take account of later enhancements in the QL world. Originally provided in two large A4 ring binders, the manual was later distributed on CD-ROM in Adobe Acrobat format.

The appendices cover in detail how to use networking on the QL, use of the hi-resolution, hi-colour environment and much more, building on the basic information included in the original QL manual.

Programs are also included with the manual, including the public domain toolkits covered in the manual, the example programs, and also QIndex - an electronic index to the reference manual.

As part of the QL's 30th Anniversary celebrations, the SBASIC/SuperBASIC Reference Manual was converted from the original Text87 Plus4 files into simple HTML using a printer filter, and released as a community project. The HTML output has now been tidied up (with thanks mainly to Norman Dunbar) and the latest version of the manual forms the SuperBASIC/SBASIC Reference Manual Online

Title: SBASIC/SuperBASIC Reference Manual
Language: English
Author: Franz Herrmann, Peter Jager, Rich Mellor
Publisher: RWAP Software
Year of Publication: 2002
Price as at September 2002: £45
Commercial Status: Freeware
Reviews: Unknown
Available from: RWAP Software website
Online Version: SuperBASIC/SBASIC Reference Manual Online

  • qlwiki/sbasicsuperbasic_reference_manual.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/08/25 12:21
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