
RAM QL Centronics Interface

A traditional Serial To Parallel printer interface from RAM Electronics, based in Aldershot.

Plug in and go design - no special drivers needed - worked with any Centronics Parallel printers - this was the first interface to contain all of the electronics within the centronics port connector (rather than half way along the cable).

RAM Electronics QL Printer Interface
Title: RAM QL Centronics Interface
Interface Type: Serial to Parallel Convertor
Connection: QL Serial Port (SER1 only)
Through-Connector: No
Manufacturer: MicroPeripherals
Year First Sold: Unknown
Original Price: £Unknown
Reviews: Unknown
Download Manual: Unknown
Accompanying Software: None

  • qlwiki/ram_ql_centronics_interface.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/08/25 12:22
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