Deathstrike was one of the better implementations of a game based on the arcade hit Scramble and was written by Damon Chaplin and T. Bovingdon.
It bears a similarity to Superbomber which was released 12 months earlier as a bonus game.
Featuring excellent graphics you have to fly through a series of caverns avoiding the ground to air missiles and destroying the radar installations which help guide them. You can refuel by destroying a fuel depot.|Watch this video on You Tube
Title: Deathstrike
Language: 68000 Machine Code
Author: Damon Chaplin and T. Bovingdon
Publisher: Talent Computer Systems and RWAP Software
Year of Publication: 1987
Price as at September 1987: Unknown
Reviews: Unknown
Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and most emulators
Commercial Status: Commercial
Sources Available from: n/a
Latest Version available from: RWAP Software website