

Qjump was the company set up by Tony Tebby to sell his own products for the Sinclair QL after he had left Sinclair Research Ltd.

Their product range included:

  • QEPIII Eprom Programmer - Eprom Programmer
  • QFLP - Upgraded ROM chip for the MicroP, Medic disk interface and the Sinclair disk system.
  • QIMI - Internal Mouse interface
  • QL Toolkit - a collection of routines to provide enhancements to SuperBASIC. Later to be released as SuperToolkit
  • QL MONITOR - Machine code monitor and debugger for 68000 machine code. Later to be released as QMON.
  • QPTR - The Pointer Environment programming package
  • QPAC1 - Set of desktop utilities for use under the Pointer Environment
  • QPAC2 - Second set of desktop utilities for use under the Pointer Environment
  • QRAM - Early set of desktop utilities (file, channel and job control) for use under the Pointer environment
  • QTYP - Real-time Spell checker for use under the Pointer Environment
  • qlwiki/qjump.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/08/25 12:22
  • by