Bridge Player
Bridge Player was written by C I Birkinshaw and published by CP Software.
It always starts up with a program which provides a guide to playing Bridge.
It allows one player to play against 3 computer controlled Bridge Players, and helps you to improve your game. It is designed to cover bidding and play of Contract Bridge and includes ACOL bidding, with both Gerber and Stayman conventions. You can even ask the computer to make a bid on your behalf if you are uncertain which way to play your hand.
Good graphical representation of the game, with strong skills from the computer players.
An updated version of this software was also released - called Bridge Player II
Title: Bridge Player
Language: SuperBASIC
Author: C I Burkinshaw
Publisher: CP Software
Year of Publication: 1984
Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and emulators
Commercial Status: Commercial
Price as at July 1985 £18.95
Reviews: QL User (June 1985), QL World (October 1985), QL User (December 1985)
Sources Available from: n/a
Latest Version available from: Unknown