C1 Assembler
Computer One Assembler is a fast single pass 68000 machine code assembler written in machine code for speed an compactness.
The assembler supports only a limited number of directives:
- DC - Define Constant
- DS - Define Storage
- DBC - Define Constant Block
- EQU - Equate
- ALIGN - Align to word boundary
- XREF - External Reference
- XDEF - External Definition
- IF…{ELSE]…ENDIF - Conditional Assembly.
Originally, the most notable exceptions were GET and INCLUDE commands to automatically add external files to the main file - although this can be overcome using the merge file facility in the editor. A linker was not originally included with the package, but had been added by May 1985, along with the INCLUDE command.
Advertised features included:
- 68008 Assembler
- Full syntax checking
- Full-screen editor
- Comprehensive user manual
- Integrates to Pascal and SuperBASIC.
Title: Computer One Assembler
Language: 68000 Machine Code
Author: Unknown
Publisher: Computer One Ltd
Year of Publication: 1984
Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and emulators
Commercial Status: Commercial
Price as at October 1984: £29.95
Reviews: QL User (April 1985)
Sources Available from: n/a
Latest Version available from: Unknown